Small Package Delivery Services


UPS has been at the forefront of transportation and logistics breakthroughs for over 100 years and is uniquely qualified to continue to meet the small package delivery and logistic needs of the State Governments and their entities.

UPS owns the world’s largest transportation network. And UPS alone offers an integrated Ground and Air network, without the use of sub-contractors in the domestic US. This operational advantage allows States and their Agencies to use the single driver advantage.

We understand the budgetary constraints States are under. UPS can put its industry leading technology and business process solutions expertise to work to help the states overcome these challenges. These solutions enable State Agencies to exercise varying degrees of control, oversight and efficiencies to reduce the added costs associated with the over usage of premium air services and surcharges. These auxiliary solutions assist our customers in managing their overall transportation spend.

Contractor Contact

Rich Wegner
[email protected]
(618) 406-3543

Awarded Expiration Renewal Limit
12/21/2021 11/27/2026 11/27/2026