Lowe’s Home Centers, LLC
Master Contract #MA3875
This is a convenience contract for walk-in retail building supplies
The pricing will be a minimum 7% discount off the current retail price at the time of purchase for all items available. If the item purchased is on sale or under another promotional term NASPO ValuePoint will expect to receive the lower of the two prices at the time of purchase. Deeper discounts may be applied.
Participating Addenda
Click on your state for guidance on how you can participate.
State of AlabamaState of AlaskaState of ArizonaState of ArkansasState of CaliforniaState of ColoradoState of ConnecticutState of DelawareDistrict of ColumbiaState of FloridaState of GeorgiaState of IdahoState of IllinoisState of IndianaState of KansasState of LouisianaState of MaineState of MarylandCommonwealth of MassachusettsState of MichiganState of MinnesotaState of MissouriState of MontanaState of NevadaState of New JerseyState of New MexicoState of New YorkState of North CarolinaState of North DakotaState of OhioState of Rhode IslandState of TennesseeState of TexasState of VermontCommonwealth of VirginiaState of WisconsinState of Wyoming
Contractor Contact
Lisa Minton |
Awarded | Expiration | Renewal Limit |
08/01/2022 | 07/31/2027 | 07/31/2027 |
- Lowes Home Centers LLC NASPO Contract
Lowes Home Centers LLC NASPO Contract
- Lowes Model PA
Lowes Model PA
- Attachment C Market Basket
Attachment C Market Basket
- Lowes RFP Response
Lowes RFP Response